Your home for esports excelence.
Your home for esports excelence.

frequently asked questions

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You can request a quote by clicking the “Book Now” button on our website and providing necessary information such as the number of guests, dates of stay, and preferred package options. Alternatively, you can email your inquiry to Our team will reach out to you with a price estimate and availability.
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A 30% advance payment is required to confirm your booking, with the full amount due before your arrival.
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Yes, complimentary airport shuttle services are included in our premium package. For non-premium packages, airport shuttle can be arranged for 35 EUR per direction.
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Yes, additional PCs can be provided for 120 EUR/day, along with extra room space.
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Both accommodations and practice rooms are located within the same building for your convenience.
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Yes, our dedicated bootcamp host and manager will be available to assist you throughout your stay.
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Yes, we offer unlimited complimentary Red Bull, water, coffee, and tea.
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Visa requirements vary, so we recommend checking with your local authorities. We can also assist you with information and invitation letters upon request.

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Yes, holders of Schengen, US, and UK visas can enter Serbia freely.
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Certainly! We offer various team-building activities such as go-karting, paddleboarding, and shooting range sessions.
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Breakfast is included in our premium package. For other packages, you can add breakfast for an additional 10 EUR per person. View our breakfast menu here
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Yes, we offer lunch and dinner catering services. Packed meals will be delivered once per day. Contact us directly to book in advance.
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Yes, you can use local food delivery services like Wolt and Glovo, offering a variety of options nearby.
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Absolutely! We can arrange photo and video shoots tailored to your needs. Contact us for a detailed price estimate and consultation with our media experts.
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Yes, we provide laundry services for guests. Simply place your dirty laundry in the designated bags provided by our staff and leave it in the laundry bins located on the ground floor by 10:00 AM. Pickup and delivery occur daily, except Sundays.Your laundry will be returned clean and neatly folded the next day.
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Yes, housekeeping services are provided every 3 days to maintain cleanliness and comfort in your living and practice areas. This includes cleaning, sheet and towel replacement, and restocking of bathroom essentials.

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