Your home for esports excelence.
Your home for esports excelence.

eNat Bootcamp Pricing

eNat Standard 5+1
  • Practice room with 6 PC’s
  • Accomodation for 6 people
    • Standard Studio Apartments
    • Superior Two-Bedroom Apartments
  • Free drinks
    • Red Bull, Water, Coffee, Tea
995 EUR
VAT Included
eNat Premium 5+1
  • Practice room with 6 PC’s
  • Accomodation for 6 people
    • Superior One-Bedroom apartments
    • Superior Two-Bedroom Apartments
  • Breakfast
  • Airport shuttle
  • Laundry
  • Free drinks
    • Red Bull, Water, Coffee, Tea
995 EUR
VAT Included
Additional Services
eNat Streaming Room
  • Gaming setup for 1 person
  • Streaming setup for 1 person
  • Superior One-Bedroom Apartment
250 EUR
VAT Included
Consultation with our content team for accurate price estimate, based on requirements and deliverables.
400 EUR
VAT Included
Video shoot
Consultation with our content team for accurate price estimate, based on requirements and deliverables.
800 EUR
VAT Included
eNat additional Services

Extra pc and room

120 EUR

per day

Airport shuttle

40 EUR

1 way ride 7 persons max


10 EUR

for 5kg of laundry


10 EUR

per person

Lunch and dinner

22 EUR

per person

995 EUR
VAT Included
7-10 days
10+ days
20+ days
Special discount for teams staying more than 30 days.

eNat Bootcamp Pricing

eNat Standard 5+1
  • Practice room with 6 PC’s

  • Accomodation for 6 people

    • Standard Studio Apartments

    • Superior Two-Bedroom Apartments

  • Free drinks

    • Water, Coffee, Tea

995 EUR

VAT Included

eNat Premium 5+2

  • Practice room with 7 PC’s

  • Accomodation for 7 people

    • Superior One-Bedroom apartments

    • Superior Two-Bedroom Apartments

  • Breakfast

  • Airport shuttle

  • Laundry

  • Free drinks

    • Red Bull, Water, Coffee, Tea

1.295 EUR

VAT Included

Additional Services

eNat Partnership

  • Coming soon

Consultation with our content team for accurate price estimate, based on requirements and deliverables.
Starting from

400 EUR

VAT Included
Video shoot
Consultation with our content team for accurate price estimate, based on requirements and deliverables.
Starting from

800 EUR

VAT Included
eNat additional services
  • Extra pc and room

    120 EUR

    per day

  • Airport shuttle

    40 EUR

    1 way ride
    7 persons max

  • Laundry

    10 EUR

    for 5kg of laundry

  • Breakfast

    10 EUR

    per person

  • Lunch and dinner

    22 EUR

    per person

250 EUR

VAT Included
7-10 days
10+ days
20+ days



Special discount for teams staying more than 30 days.

Book your bootcamp.

We’re excited to meet you!
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